Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (2+2 Program)

The Delta State University College of Education and Human Sciences has partnered with Hinds Community College and Holmes Community College to provide the 2+2 Program in Elementary Education which allows students to earn a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Students in this program complete the freshman and sophomore years of coursework through either Holmes or Hinds Community Colleges and the junior or senior years of coursework through Delta State University.  Upon completion of the program, students will be eligible to teach grades K-6 after meeting all licensure requirements and passing all required licensure exams in the state of MS. Candidates seeking licensure for grades 7-8 and 7-12 are able to do so through supplemental endorsements in coursework.

To learn more contact Dori Bullock | | 601-502-7590

General Information

The Delta State University/Holmes Community College Partnership (EEST) for Elementary Education Program is a 120-hour degree program in elementary education (K-6 certification) utilizing the 2+2 concept. The program has been designed to allow students to complete 62 hours of course work at Holmes Community College, with 60 hours remaining to be taken at Delta State University. The remaining 60 hours will be offered through online and videoconferencing mediums. The EEST will enable students to obtain concentrations in social studies and reading. Students electing other areas of concentration may be required to take additional credit hours for completion.

Program of Study

General Information

Instruction is usually provided in a hybrid format. Though coursework is primarily online, each class meets approximately once a month face-to-face on the Hinds Community College campus and again through Canvas, an electronic virtual classroom. Students access the virtual classroom through a personal computer outfitted with a camera and microphone. These classes are usually held between 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. and 7:15 – 9:15 p.m. to accommodate working students. Occasionally, meetings are held on Saturdays.

Students must participate in field experiences in metro-area schools during the school day to complete instructional requirements for specific courses.

The final semester is the student internship and requires a complete semester of student teaching in metro-area schools.

CORE, Foundations of Reading, and Praxis II

Preparation for CORE occurs in EDU 1613, and we suggest that you take CORE at this time. CORE must be successfully completed before or during your first semester in the DSU program.

Praxis II and Foundations of Reading must be successfully completed at the beginning of Semester 3. Students may not enter Semester 4, which is the student internship, until Praxis II and Foundations of Reading are successfully completed and scores have been received by appropriate officials at Delta State University.

Transfer Hours

DSU requires completion of 60 hours of specific courses; however, you may transfer additional hours that might apply to concentration areas. Your transcript evaluation will provide additional information.

Math Courses

College Algebra,the Real Number System, and Geometry and Measurement are required for this program.  MAT 331 Mathematics through Problem Solving is required and must be taken through DSU.  Additional math courses usually apply to an endorsement in mathematics.

Program of Study


Dori Bullock
Director of Delta State University/Hinds Community College 2+2 Programs
Division of Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
PMB 11163
PO Box 1100
Raymond, MS 39154
